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Moss Landing Power Plant
Battery Fire Lawsuit

If you or a loved one was impacted by the Vistra Energy fire at the Moss Landing Power Plant in Monterey County, Ca, you may qualify for compensation. Act Now!


About the Moss Landing Battery Fire

According to a recently filed lawsuit representing residents impacted by the Moss Landing Battery Fire, Vistra Energy – the owner of the power plant – along with LG Energy Solution, PG&E, Dynergy Operating Company and Moss Landing Power Company acted negligently with regards to storage and handling of lithium-ion batteries. Allegations state that a malfunctioning water suppression system at the plant, along with overcrowded battery storage contributed to the spread of the fire, and the release of hazardous chemicals into the surrounding areas. Long-term soil contamination due to toxic chemical exposure is a fear of many property owners and many local community members have already voiced concerns about the lingering health impacts this fire may have; with some already experiencing breathing issues, and metallic taste, and difficulty accessing local medical testing. (source: Santa Cruz Sentinel)


About the Moss Landing Battery Fire Lawsuit

According to a recently filed lawsuit representing residents impacted by the Moss Landing Battery Fire, Vistra Energy – the owner of the power plant – along with LG Energy Solution, PG&E, Dynergy  Operating Company and Moss Landing Power Company acted negligently with regards to storage and handling of lithium-ion batteries. Allegations state that a malfunctioning water suppression system at the plant, along with overcrowded battery storage contributed to the spread of the fire, and the release of hazardous chemicals into the surrounding areas. Many local community members have already voiced concerns about the lingering health impacts this fire may have; with some already experiencing breathing issues, and metallic taste, and difficulty accessing local medical testing. (source: Santa Cruz Sentinel)


Additional Info

If you or a loved one experienced health issues, fear toxic chemical exposure, or were otherwise impacted by the Moss Landing Power Plant Batter Fire, you may qualify for compensation. Fill out the form above to learn more.

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